Monday, February 14, 2011


Today is the 15th Valentine's Day that Daddy and I have celebrated together. We broke up several times when we were dating, but oddly, we were always together on this holiday. And...Daddy has some great stories about how romantic he was on this day..I'll let him share the details with you.

Today I celebrate the loves of my life. I knew I loved Daddy when I was 17, and even when we were dating other people, I knew in my heart that I could never love anyone like I loved him. I'm thankful he came to his senses! Seriously though, when I see all of my weaknesses in my life, I see Daddy's strengths. He compliments my life perfectly. He is strong, unwaivering, logical, thorough, detailed, patient, forgiving, and unconditional in his love for me. I am blessed to be able to travel through life with a partner and friend and protector like him.

Today I celebrate Kent. You child are God's gift, and constant teaching tool in my life. You teach me to laugh, to relax, and to enjoy the day the Lord has made. You are a light, a lifter of hearts, and a beautiful picture of God's grace.

Today I celebrate Parker. You child are God's blessing, and constant reminder of the purity of God's love. You inspire me to do my best, to reach for goals, and to invest in those closest to me. You are a encourager, a lifter of burdens, and a beautiful picture of God's faithfulness.

I love my 3 boys. My life is blessed. I have the love of my Heavenly Father, an earthly spouse, and the two most precious boys in the world. What have I done to deserve such gifts? Nothing, absolutely nothing. It's a testimony to how great God is and how He longs to give good things to His children. I am His child, and He has given me 3 "good things" in the 3 of you, simply because I am His.

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