Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Probabblee" This is your new word Kent. You are growing so much. You are just starting to be able to play imaginatively on your own. I walked in to your room today and you had all of your Knights lined up next to your Mickey Mouse figures, and you said, "This is my battle mom. Don't clean it up." I love watching you play, and I can't believe how mature you've gotten. Where did the years go?

Parker, today you came upstairs with a spiral notebook and you asked me to rip out a page you worked on. It is a picture of Jesus on the cross, and it says, "I love you Jesus. Love Parker and Kent and Mom and Dad Scottberg."

You said, "Mom, can you rip this page out? I want to take this picture to heaven with me and give it to Jesus."

I told you that Jesus could see it, but we'd put it on our fridge to be sure he saw it.

You were insistent you took it to heaven with you, and I finally gave up trying to explain that we can't take anything with us when we go.

What a tender heart you have Parker.


Joan said...

Oh! I love these boys!

Megan said...

I just love hearing the stories about your amazing boys! :)