Tuesday, August 18, 2009


After we read four books and about 500 Bible Stores, we did the 'Squeeze Prayer" that you guys love. It is where we sit in a circle and hold hands. One person prays, and when they are finished the squeeze the hand of the person next to them, and that person prays and so on. Kent, you began and you prayed for our neighbor, Mrs. Turk, to have fruit and games. Random, but sincere. Parker, you decided to pray for the 9 year old boy that is currently fighting cancer. I was so touched at how you remembered this friend and you prayed that "God would take his pain away". I hope you guys learn how easy it is to talk to God, and how blessed we are that we are able to go directly to Him with needs for others and ourselves.


sharonie said...

maybe they should be praying for mommy's goodbye to her little boy tomorrow as he heads to school!

Cara said...

That is the moment where you can think to yourself "I am doing an ok job"...You have some great boys ;)