Thursday, June 4, 2009


Early this morning you came in bed with me and Daddy. I usually put you in the middle of us, but for some reason I let you stay on the end this time. I figured that you are going to be three in a few short weeks, so you could handle the danger of our raised sleigh bed. I didn't plan for Parker to come in bed with us and sleep horizontally at the foot of the bed. I certainly didn't plan for you to accidently roll out of bed and fall on to the floor with a bang. I kissed your bloody eyebrow, washed it out, and gave you extra hugs and comfort. You refused a're tough like that. You are fine now, but if you end up with a scar I am terribley sorry. It was your dad's fault. How you ask? Because that's my story and I'm stickin to it.



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