Saturday, April 2, 2011

Parker and Kent,

God is so good. I don't know why I question him. I don't know why I doubt. I don't know why my dark times often cause distance between me and God. He is lavishly loving. He is perfectly sovereign. And He rules with boundless grace.

We have had a fantastic few days with our friends. One of my biggest anxiety issues was that in following God's call on our lives to move here, that I would be hurting you by taking you from your "home". God knew what He was doing. You were both very connected with friends in Chicago. Between our neighbors, our church friends, and our family, you had many playmates. Even though God led us here, I still felt a bit guilty from moving you away from those you loved and from those that loved you most.

But, God is GOOD. When we sacrifice something for him, He rewards us. When the Lord is our shepherd, and we follow him, we shall not want for anything or anyone (Psalm 23). He has provided us, especially the two of you, with such wonderful relationships. After spending time with many people this weekend, I was just reminded to give thanks to God for the blessing of friends.

Parker, you had a friend spend the night last night. He is your buddy, and you play so well together. You are Cubs fans, you both love soccer, and you play hours of basketball. Also, this particular friend is so good with you too, Kenters. You both love having him over. I prayed for a friend like this.

Kenters, on Sunday you spent the afternoon at your buddy's house. This friend is the reason why you can't wait to go to Rainbows each week. You have so much fun together, and I'm pretty sure you two give your Sunday School teachers a run for their money.

Then last night, we hosted our Life Group at our home. You boys LOVE the other kids that come. You can't wait for it to be "Life Group" night. Daddy and I also have great relationships with our Life Group, and it so neat to see how God has orchestrated each member of our group. It's like he hand picked us all to be together because He knew we'd mesh so well. And we do. We laugh more than we talk or study, but I think that blesses God's heart. He loves to see his children in community with one another.

Parker, you then had a birthday party (your 3rd in 3 weeks---and you have another one next week) this afternoon. Again, you've met a great kid with a great family.

Then, this evening some of the older kids (4th and 5th grade) from the cul-de-sac came and invited you two to a bonfire. They had treats, games, and a perfect fire for this early spring night. These older kids are great with the two of you. They let you win games tonight, they made sure you got enough snacks, and they loved to dote on you. Again, blessed we are blessed by relationships.

Anyways, after we got home and you boys were showered and in bed, I just took a moment to tell Daddy how happy I am here. Sure, I miss my family, and not a day goes by where I don't think of them. But, I am so happy that God chose to plant us here out of anywhere else in the world. We have a great community, and a great church family.

Experiences like this increase my faith in God. I lost so many sleepless nights for NO reason the month or so before we moved. God had everything under control all along. I am so glad He orchestrated our circumstances and ordained our path to include Bethalto. While we are here to serve our Pastor and our church family, I can't help but feel that we are the ones being blessed.

So, the next time I am tempted to doubt, I will lean upon what I've learned of God this last year and 4 months. He is GOOD. He upholds and preserves. He knows the future. He wants good for me and my family. He wants health and happiness for my family. He wants us to live life, and live life to it's fullest. He deserves ALL glory, honor, power, and praise.

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