Saturday, April 23, 2011


tonight was very special. Every member of the Elton family attended our Easter Service at the church where we all grew up. Mimi, Pop, Me, you two, Auntie Shar Shar, Uncle Jason, Blake, Reid, Tatum, Uncle J and Auntie J, and Uncle Rich took up a few rows, and all 13 of us celebrated Jesus' resurrection together. Daddy is at home getting ready for our Easter service there, but Grandma Joan sat with us, so she took Daddy's place.

There was a brief play that showed Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, Jesus in the Garden, the Cruxificion, and of course, the Resurrection.

You boys were a little bit afraid, and Parker, you kept asking if the blood on Jesus was real. Kent, you wanted to know if the the Soldiers swords were real.

At one point during worship we sang a song, with these lyrics:

"I call you Holy. Lord you Holy. Holy you are and Holy you'll be. I call you Faithful. Lord you are faithful. Faithful you are, and faithful you'll be. I call you Healer. Lord you are Healer. Healer you are, and Healer you'll be."

I looked to my left, and each member of our family, in their own worship and proclamation was raising both hands as we joined in with the congregation and sang, "I call you Healer. Your name is Healer. You've been Healer to me. Healer you are, and Healer you'll be."

We all believe that for Pop Pop, and for Uncle Jason's dad who is also battling cancer. We believe that God is able. I love our family. Besides my salvation, and the blessings of you and Daddy, my family is the single greatest gift that Jesus has ever given me. We are each other's best friends. Those 10 people make me happier than anyone. Those 10 people have been the source of my joy, happiness, and strength.

We left service, and Pop Pop and I drove you two through Burger King. As I write this, you boys are downstairs playing video games with Uncle Rich and Uncle J. Auntie J, and Pop Pop and I are watching some REALLY boring show about cars. But it doesn't matter....I learned a long time ago, that whatever you do, if you do it with the ones you love most, you'll enjoy yourself.

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