Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Boys, I don’t want to make you in to robots who mechanically serve God. I want to see become followers who passionately walk with Jesus. Robots serve out of obligation, habit, and tradition. Followers serve out of relationship, and love. Robots ask no questions. Followers test, taste, seek and inquire. I want to prepare you for a journey with Christ, and I want you going in with eyes wide open. In the gospels, Jesus asks, "Who builds a house without first counting the cost?" I want to do my best to help you see the cost of discipleship, and I want to help you know the grace that is offered to you if you chose to walk in His ways.

I want to teach you balance, longevity, and commitment to a relationship with Jesus. I’m not sure how to do this. I hope that by watching your dad and me, you see what a follower’s path looks like. A follower’s path is narrow, bumpy, winding, and difficult to walk on. But it’s doable because we have a loving, faithful, merciful, and capable leader. I know that I need to pray and pray and pray some more to see you solidify your commitment to Christ. Pastor Phil on Sunday said that many people like the forgiveness that Jesus offers, but they aren’t too keen on the “following” aspect of salvation. I pray for you to be followers: loyal, yet inquisitive, faithful, yet passionate, and steady, yet ever growing. Mimi has used to have a framed picture over her bed, and it read, “I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in truth.” That is true for me. I have no greater joy than to know Jesus, and to know that my children know, love, and follow Him too.

1 comment:

Me..... said...

great post Bethany- I long for the same thing for my children...