Thursday, October 29, 2009

We had so much fun today! After Parker got home from school, Daddy made a bonfire and we played football, baseball, soccer, and roasted hot dogs by the fire. Kent, you didn't want to wait for me to cook them over the fire. You ate two raw ones, and one heated one. Parker, you ate one raw one. Ick!

Then we put you boys in the shower in time to watch the first few innings of the Yankees vs. Phillies game 2 of the World Series. I'm rooting for the Phillies because they are a National League team, and Parker, you are rooting for the Yankees because you read a book from the library about Derrick Jeter. We made a bet. If the Yankees win, we get ice cream for dinner. If the Phillies win the series, you have to eat a plate of broccoli.

Lastly, Parker, as I was kissing you goodnight, you asked "Mom. Will you pinky promise that we'll be best friends forever?" just made my life.

1 comment:

Cara said...

Ahh the good old pink promise..