Thursday, August 20, 2009

This is the reward system we have been using the last few weeks, and it is working out great! I got the board from Target and it's been a huge hit with you guys.

You are responsible for 8 areas M-F.

1)Morning Routine (get up, get dressed, and make your own bed)
2)Eat Breakfast and Brush Teeth
4)Clean Up toys throughout the day
5)Dinner and Brush Teeth
6)Bed Time Routine (Take a shower, get in PJ's, and set clothes out for next day)
7)Bible Reading and Prayer
8)Good Attitude throughout the day

If you are successful, you receive on magnetic star next to the corresponding task. Each star equals 1 penny. If you complete all 8 tasks in one day, you receive 10 pennies. If at the end of the week you have 35 or more total stars on your chart, you receive 100 bonus pennies.

Each night before bed, we go over your charts, and award your pennies. You each have a mason jar with your name on it in which you are collecting your pennies. Parker, you are saving for a Batman Tower at Target (it's $40 so I told you that if you saved for 1/2 of it, we'd pay the other half). Kent, you keep changing your mind on what you are saving for. If you are mean to your brother at any given time during the day, you have to take a penny from your jar, and put it in to your brother's jar. This has been so good in promoting sharing, patience, and love between the two of you.

You get so giddy when the handing out of the pennies occur. I went to the bank and I got rolls and rolls of brand new shiny ones! Your eyes glisten as you see me disperse the pennies, and your smiles expand as your drop them in to your mason jars, one by one.

I hope this lasts forever. At the most it is going to cost me $1.50 each a week to keep you in line. I'm sure as soon as Parker learns the value of the penny, it's all downhill. But for now, you boys are none the wiser.

1 comment:

Cara said...

That sounds like a great idea. You will be suprised how responsible they are at such a young age! Keep up the good work boys :)