Monday, July 20, 2009


I love these summer days and nights with you. We have played countless hours of baseball, we've caught hundreds of lightening bugs, and I'm pretty sure we've checked out every comic book at the public library.

We've had a busy week. Your dad was gone the entire week due to youth camp, so we kept ourselves busy with friends and activities. When your dad is gone I do not sleep because I am so afraid of the boogey man. It's ridiculous, but I can't wait until you are old enough to protect me!

Parker, I bought you a Transformers lunch box. You chose that over a Spiderman one. Mimi is taking you shopping for a backpack. I am dreading the 19th of August, but it is all you can talk about. I am realizing that my job as a parent is to prepare you for the world that awaits you. I offer you up to the Lord and I beg him for wisdom and guidance when it comes to correction, discipline and praise. You are very fragile in your emotions and esteem and I want to boost your confidence in who you are and in the God that made you.

Kent, You just march to the beat of your own drum. If I comment that the sky is blue, you say it's red. If everyone is playing baseball, you want to play on the swing set. You will not be pressured in to doing what the group is doing. You would live on pop tarts if you could, and I think you may be addicted to the gummy bear vitamins. I am relying on God to help me to encourage your differences, but to squash a rebellious spirit. You are so loving, and asked to be cuddled at various points in the day. I want to freeze you here, but I know that there are many more exciting times ahead.

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