Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sniff Sniff..

Last night Parker's school held an orientation meeting for all the parents of the Kindergarten class of 2010. I entered the school with shaky knees, and a quivering lip. There was a lump inside my throat, but I staved off the tears. I didn't want to be the "psycho" mom who couldn't cut the cord.

Well, I was fine for the entire first half of the meeting. Then the superintendent spoke, and he covered the school bus procedure. At the thought of my 37 lb, 42 inch, 5 year old getting onto a bus, I lost it. Tears were streaming down my face, and I tried in vain to cover them up. My throat was literally sore, and it felt bruised due to the humongous frog I had dwelling in it.

I held off as long as I could, and then I had to sniff and clear my throat, thus giving away the obvious...I WAS the psycho mom who can't cut the cord. But, to my absolute pleasure, I was then surrounded by a chorus of sniffs!!!! There were other moms there that couldn't bear the thought of their sweetie getting a gigantic yellow vehicle unattended. We all giggled and shared sympathetic looks.

Kindergarten starts on August 19th, and Parker will be gone from 8:30-2:15. I just signed him up for elementary school, and yet I feel like the mother of the groom about to give her son away to another woman.

I have 6 1/2 months to prepare myself for the dreaded day...and I think I'm going to need every moment!


Megan said...

awe. I almost cried while reading this. I have not even gotten pregnant yet, but I am worried for that day. HAHA

You will do great!

Anonymous said...

Oh heavens...I can't imagine.
:( I'll be praying for you...

Amie said...

I got a little teary-eyed reading this. We just came to the realization this week that Brayden starts kindergarten next year. He just shouldn't be that old yet!

Angel said...

Josiah's Kindergarten registration is April I'm sure I'll be having some of the same reactions!!!