Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What is compassion?

I am realizing that there is a difference between feeling compassion, and being a compassionate person. One involves emotion, and one involves action. I have for too long, been satisfied with the feeling of emotion based concern, and have not done enough to actively live out compassion.

I am on a new quest to find ways to BE compassionate. I'm not quite sure what exactly that means, but I know that God puts opportunities in my path daily, and I have missed many of them because I'm too self absorbed. I want "doing" compassion to be a character trait that becomes part of who I am. But this is where I am stuck...I am trying to figure out what that looks like in reality.


Monst3rjoe said...

Well, at least you can start off by not making fun of my dead pigeons!!

Mike Stenglein said...

I think that you are a compassionate person. I think that being compassionate is a matter of degree and it comes from the inside. I think that it starts by being aware of things around you, which is hard to do sometimes. I know that I miss opportunities to show compassion quite often (I usually berate myself later)...but that doesn't mean that I am not compassionate. I just try to be more aware of people everyday, so that I miss opportunities less and less.
I think that you are a better, more compassionate person than you give yourself credit for.
Hope this made sense and helped a bit!