Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Winter Retreat

1) Heidi and Heather and the Belly Bumper

2) Cody and Aaron and the Belly Bumper

3) All of the girls deciding who we would eat first if we got stranded in the snow on the side of the road. (Mike..I'm sorry, but I think we voted on you)

4) Mike hitting Katie in Dodgeball.

5) Val spelling "underwear" with an "E"

6) Sam and Company's little "skit"...I still don't know what to say about that.

7) I have two words for the semi that cut me and Van #1 off....DON'T MESS.

8) Joe and his pigeons. We love you, Hope and Spirit.

9) Sam..."DO YOU THINK JIM IS HOT????"

10) Paul O. and "It's Not Unusual". You have now been recruited to youth choir.

11) Jacqi finding the red lifesaver in a nano second.

12) Doug downing a Pepsi in a nano second.

13) Isaac vs. Josh in the Egg Blow. What a brave soul.

14) David and his sunglasses..a little cool, a lot of geeky.

15) The Blindfold Challenge. Nuf said.

16) "Hey Jason. Do you have Family Force Five? Hey Jason. Do you have Hillsong? Hey Jason do you have Family Force Five? Hey Jason. Do you have Hillsong?" AHHHHH!

17) The rubber chicken and quarter game. It is completely unsanitary, but I'm glad most people wore gloves.

18) Were those sausages or fingers at breakfast?

19) Carpet Ball. Do you think one of those things would fit in my living room?

20) "Has anyone seen my mitten? Has anyone seen my hoodie? Has anyone seen my Bible? Has anyone seen my hat? Has anyone seen my suitcase? Has anyone seen my brush? Has anyone seen ____________________. If it was brought, it was lost.

21) Truth or Dare in the girl's dorm on Saturday night. No Chickens, No Passies!!!


Katie said...

What a Great time... By the way David was definatley wearing geeky sunglasses... I know that because he was wearing Mike's Blue Blockers.... Let's take a vote... do they look more like an old guy on a fishing show.... or ... like Bono?
I don't know about fingers... but they definately were NOT sausages!

Mike Stenglein said...

I thought that those sunglasses looked good on David! Course they would look good on anyone. The almost drip with coolness.

Monst3rjoe said...

I should have never told you where I got the names Hope and Spirit from! ^__^ teehee. Bad times