Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Sharks Part II

We were in the car yesterday and Parker proceeded to ask more questions about sharks. This is a topic that has obviously been weighing on his over active mind. He wanted to know if sharks lived on the beach, when we were going to the beach, if sharks can go on sand, and why sharks eat people when they are fishing. Sometimes, I don't even attempt to answer. I let him formulate his own answers. Last night, I just let him ask and ask away.

Finally he says, "I dreamed when mommy, daddy, and Kent were sleeping in the night". "What did you dream?", I asked. "That the shark eat me when I be fishing on the deck". He calmly answered.

First of all, he's never been fishing, second of all why is he getting eaten in his dreams?

Then he proceeds to say, "I tried to get your hand, but you not reach me on the deck."

WHAT??? I need a dream interpreter. What does all of this mean. I feel like a terrible mother. I feel like he is trying to reach for me, but can't get to me. And that he is trying to communicate a deeper meaning to me. Is that what this dream means? Are the sharks symbolic for something "big and scarry" in life, or are they a product of an over active imagination.

The night before he had this "dream", we were putting together puzzles of eels, gorillas, and other intimidating animals..maybe that's what got the ball rolling.


Katie said...

Some believe dreams are a random compilation of thoughts and events... others feel they are to be interpreted... I really don't know... At least Parker is sleeping though... can you imagine if you had both of them up all night?? You guys would be zombies!

Mike Stenglein said...

Sorry, I have no idea how to figure out dreams. But if it helps any I remember going on vacation with my family to Colorado when I was really young. I refused to get in the hot tub with everyone else...if I remember correctly I was actually hysterically upset about it. Tears, screaming the works. Why was I so distraught? Sharks. There HAD to be sharks in the hot tub. In the mountains of Colorado, hundreds of miles from any ocean.

Megan said...

That is so sad. I have no idea about dreams, but I wonder the same things. I don't understand them and I hate it when kids have bad dreams. They have done nothing wrong to have these nasty things in their minds. I also had a dream about sharks when I was little. It was about when my entire family would go boating and my dad was the first one to be ate by the shark and the blood was all over the water. Then my mom had jumped in to safe him. She also was ate. My brother, sister and I didn't know how to get help and didn't know how to get back to the shore. I had this dream many times. I think it is because my dad use to watch JAWS all the time. But if you are not watching anything like that than I have no idea. I will be praying for Parker!

Kelly Weinberg said...

It's funny, I am reading the book of Daniel right now, and last night I was wondering what the dreams I have been having meant (if anything at all!). I wish I could call Daniel up in Heaven and ask him to interpret for me! :)

I'm sure Parker's dreams are just dreams little boys have.

sharonie said...

Bethany...honestly don't question whether or not your a good mommy. YOu are a great mom. You spend time with Parker doing school work, cooking, playing Wii, watching his types of shows, and have daily conversation with him. Maybe these sharks are taking the place of dinosaurs he's been into lately. It's nothing that has to do with how you are as a mother!


Angel said...

Josiah has weird dreams too, mostly about dinosaurs and he doesn't even have any dinosaurs! I don't think they mean anything in particular. I have lots of werid dreams too, but never really think they mean much. I think they just have huge imaginations!