Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Parker's version of the reason for the season

For the first time, we put a Christmas tree in Parker's bedroom. Each night as Parker gets into bed, I plug the tree in, and each night before Erik goes to sleep he unplugs the lights. As a child, I have numerous memories of my dad and mom reading us Christmas stories by the light of our tree. The four of us kids would clutter the couch, carols would be playing faintly in the background, and then my dad's deep voice or my mom's dramatic tones would read story after story. I was feeling nostalgic last night, and I wanted to recreate those memories with Parker (Kent had already gone to bed). Parker and I got his pillows and blankets and laid beside his Christmas tree. I shut off all of the lights in his room, and I began to read the Christmas Story from his children's Bible.

I want so desperately for Parker to know and understand the reason why we celebrate Christmas. He has already gotten into the , "I want" mode, and I'm trying to instill in him the value of "I give" instead. I explained to him that when Jesus was born, people brought him presents. Then I was helping him to understand that Jesus was God's present to us, and that is why we give gifts during this time. Last week I took a big box and made him go around the house and put in toys to give to "boys and girls with no mommies or daddies." He was so excited about giving, that he began to put in everything he could get his hands on! I thought he was comprehending the concept of giving to others because God had given to us.

After I finished the story, and emphasized the giving of Jesus to us, I wanted to summarize the entire content of what I was hoping for him to grasp.

"So, Parker, you have to remember that Jesus is the most important thing about Christmas."
"Okay Mommy. I will member that", he said as he pointed to his little blonde head.

Literally, five seconds later I decided to test him on what he had just learned.

"Parker, what is the most important thing about Christmas?" I asked.
Without a moment's hesitation, he blurted "Santa Claus. Because he is magic and he comes in our door and brings me presents."



sharonie said...

how about on Christmas morning...the first things parker opens up is a box of all different things Christ can give us....heart for love, a toy (small dinky one he has alreayd) to help us share....and so on. It will be more tangible to him...or even wrap up baby Jesus from your manger and put it in there too. Then talk about Jesus is the gift of Christmas and then open up his real gifts.

Judith and Lance said...

That Parker is HALARIOUS!!