Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Parker, we had our first baseball practice today. We were both a little rusty. We did a soft game of catch, then we moved on to grounders, pop ups, and pitching. You've got a great arm, but you have a tendency to throw side arm (I may know someone else like that). Side-arm isn't necessarily bad, but it does limit the positions you can play. I am trying to get your fundamentals down, and hopefully the basic footwork will follow. I'm fighting to not stress technical aspects of the game, so that you will just enjoy playing...but this is a passion of mine, and I want to give you all the information possible in order to have you do your best. After all, if you are going to play for the Cubs by the time you're 10, we've got a lot of work to do.

Kent, you did so well on your "e's" today! That is something to celebrate! You and I went to the grocery store to buy some items to make dinner for a friend, and you were ecstatic when you saw that the kids sized carts were available. You were glowing as I asked I gave you the list to hold. It was your joy to rearrange all of the cans in your cart over and over again. You loved to put everything on the counter, and you smiled at the clerk as if to say, "Aren't you going to say anything to me? Aren't you going to compliment my work"? She read your mind, and commented on how strong you were and what a great helper you must be. You soaked it all in, and when we came home, you were still in helper mode, and you assisted me in making our meals. I don't think I'm going to allow you to go to school anymore..I like it too much when you are home with me.

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